Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis
Here are several ways for you to know early on if you are suffering from scoliosis.
Physical Deformities
Whether inherent or not, physical deformities can indeed develop into scoliosis. One thing to watch out for is uneven lengths and distances. Shoulders, waists, and hips that are uneven or shorter than the other can all lead to scoliosis.
Indeed, fatigue can also lead to scoliosis albeit indirectly. Fatigue can lead to stress and this can lead to poor posture and sleeping habits as well as mood swings. Ultimately, it can deteriorate until you find out you’re suffering from scoliosis.
When you have scoliosis and you have no treatment or medication for your condition, several complications could arise.
Lung and Heart Damage
In worse cases, the abnormalities in your spine could lead to further physical abnormalities. Scoliosis, for instance, could cause your rib cage to press more closely against your heart and lungs, which then makes breathing more difficult. If worse comes to worst, it might be close enough to inflict actual damage.
Back Problems
Naturally, spinal abnormalities will cause back problems. If your condition doesn’t improve, you could the mere act of leaning your back or lying down a difficulty.
Poor Social Image
Scoliosis is not pretty. If the abnormal curves are exaggerated, you’ll be forced to walk with a hunched back and this could make you less confident of making new friends and developing relationships.
Scoliosis and Mood Swings
Scoliosis is not a pleasant condition to have. Your spine, after all, affects every movement you do and any abnormality will be reflected on how you move. Without proper therapy and treatment, coping with your condition could be a problem and you could suffer from mood swings because of it.
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