Saturday, December 5, 2015

Scleroderma and Renal Crisis (part 2 of 2)

Start Treatment Early

Patients with renal involvement in scleroderma should start treatment as early as possible. This condition is quite serious and could develop before anyone would know. To prevent further damage, it is highly advisable that a patient should start treatment early. If ever there would be significant damage done to the kidneys, little can be done to reverse the effects.

The effectiveness of treating renal involvement in scleroderma would depend heavily on the level of damage already inflicted at that time of treatment. The less damage there is, the more likely a patient would recover from the condition. Since scleroderma in general has no known cure, treatment for renal involvement is more focused on limiting damage.

Can This Condition Be Treated?

Even if scleroderma in general has no treatment, a lot of things can still be done to help relieve a patient from the damages done by scleroderma to the kidneys. However if the kidney is already totally impaired, little can be done to reverse the effect. But if treatment would start early, then treatment is very possible through medical help which would involve medications, rehabilitation therapies and surgery for some cases.

The point that all patients or those who are widely involved with renal scleroderma is that it is treatable and a lot has been done in the past to help cure people with this condition. The key to relief from it is early treatment as well as taking medications religiously and as well as careful medical attention.

Because renal involvement in scleroderma is quite sensitive, this would require the utmost attention of the doctor as well as a lot of effort from the patient.

Scleroderma and Renal Crisis (part1 of 2)

Scleroderma renal crisis is the term used to describe kidney involvement in scleroderma because of the very much discomforting symptoms brought about by it that indeed puts the patient into a crisis. This happens when scleroderma, of which the cause is unknown, would reach the kidneys, limiting blood supply to it and limiting its functions or totally impairing it. This condition could only happen to those with the diffuse form of scleroderma which is called limited sclerosis.

Kidney involvement in scleroderma would usually start of as an increase in blood pressure then would later show more signs within weeks or days. Scleroderma renal crisis is mainly associated with a decrease in kidney function, the appearance of protein in urine and in severe cases, accompanied by heart failure.

How Does This Develop?

Scleroderma would usually start of in the skin in the form of calcinosis or Raynaud’s phenomenon. If it sticks with those symptoms, then that case of scleroderma is most likely limited scleroderma or CREST which is the milder form of the illness. Although this can disable, it would tend most of the time not to be fatal. However, if it spreads to the internal organs, the kidneys in particular, then that would be the beginning of scleroderma renal involvement.

The connective tissues in the kidneys are the ones that are primarily involved in scleroderma. Scleroderma causes scar tissue to develop in them, thus making them thicker. This also limits blood flow to the kidneys that in turn could impair or actually kill some parts of the kidney or the kidney itself. This could also lead to heart complications that in sever cases, could lead to heart failure.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Link between Scoliosis and Mood Swings (part 2 of 2)

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis
Here are several ways for you to know early on if you are suffering from scoliosis.

Physical Deformities
Whether inherent or not, physical deformities can indeed develop into scoliosis. One thing to watch out for is uneven lengths and distances. Shoulders, waists, and hips that are uneven or shorter than the other can all lead to scoliosis.

Indeed, fatigue can also lead to scoliosis albeit indirectly. Fatigue can lead to stress and this can lead to poor posture and sleeping habits as well as mood swings. Ultimately, it can deteriorate until you find out you’re suffering from scoliosis.

When you have scoliosis and you have no treatment or medication for your condition, several complications could arise.

Lung and Heart Damage
In worse cases, the abnormalities in your spine could lead to further physical abnormalities. Scoliosis, for instance, could cause your rib cage to press more closely against your heart and lungs, which then makes breathing more difficult. If worse comes to worst, it might be close enough to inflict actual damage.

Back Problems
Naturally, spinal abnormalities will cause back problems. If your condition doesn’t improve, you could the mere act of leaning your back or lying down a difficulty.

Poor Social Image
Scoliosis is not pretty. If the abnormal curves are exaggerated, you’ll be forced to walk with a hunched back and this could make you less confident of making new friends and developing relationships.

Scoliosis and Mood Swings
Scoliosis is not a pleasant condition to have. Your spine, after all, affects every movement you do and any abnormality will be reflected on how you move. Without proper therapy and treatment, coping with your condition could be a problem and you could suffer from mood swings because of it.

The Link between Scoliosis and Mood Swings (part 1 of 2)

Scoliosis may not be a life-threatening condition, but it is seriously debilitating, enough in some cases to make people suffer from dangerous mood swings.

What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is an abnormal back condition in which the spine suffers from an additional curve. Girls are twice as much likely than boys to suffer from scoliosis. This condition is also hereditary and occurs more commonly with those age 10 years old and above.

Types of Scoliosis
Doctors still haven’t determined all possible causes of scoliosis. They did, however, have taken to classifying the various types of scoliosis as it has proven to be of great help in choosing the ideal treatment for this condition.

Idiopathic Scoliosis
The cause is still undetermined for this type of scoliosis. Infantile idiopathic scoliosis affect those below three years of age while adolescent idiopathic scoliosis affect those over 10 years old. Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, on the other hand, affect those between 3 to 10 years old.

Functional Scoliosis
This condition is a result of another physical deformity such as back muscle spasms or simply having a shorter leg. With functional scoliosis, the spine is originally normal but an additional curve develops due to the deformity.

Neuromuscular Scoliosis
In this type of scoliosis, the problem lies in the bones of your spine. It is one of the more sever kinds of scoliosis and the additional curve may or may not be inborn.

Degenerative Scoliosis
This affects adults and additional curves that cause a person to suffer from scoliosis is a result of another medical condition like arthritis.